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The Arts

We offer students of all ages the chance to expand their creative potential with a full range of school art activities including dance, band, step team and more. 

There is no current set schedule. These activities take place at different times throughout the school year. The instructor will notify parents of the scheduling of start and end times for each activity.​


The Embassy Academy After care program.
  • Aftercare hours: 3:00PM – ends at 6:30PM.

  • Aftercare schedule: Monday through Friday on school days only.

  • Aftercare Location: located in the cafeteria.

  • Please inform the front office if you plan on utilizing The Embassy Academy’s aftercare program.

  • For the safety of our students, those not picked up by 3:30PM will be placed automatically in aftercare and parents will be billed.

Fees And Billing
  • The full fee is $80.00 per child per week

  • $10 fee (Per Child) will be applied if the child is picked up between 3:30PM – 4:30PM

  • $20 fee (Per Child) will be applied if the child is picked up between 4:30PM – 6:30PM

  • $1 fee (Per Child) will be applied if the child is on campus after 6:30pm

  • The Embassy Academy’s will send a monthly bill.

  • If the child is not picked up before 6:30PM them there will be a $1 per min charge applied for each child.

High School Student
Student Safety
  • We take your child’s physical and emotional safety very seriously.  We want our students to have fun. However, since our students range from 5 to 17 years of age, we have strong guidelines for inside and outside behavior.

  • All students’ medical and personal information will be accessed from the school’s resource forms that you have already filled out.

  • Students are asked not to bring games or electronic devices to aftercare unless special arrangements are made with aftercare staff.

Ready for School
Pick-Up Procedures
  • Every student must be signed out by a parent or authorized adult before leaving.

  • Once your child is signed out for the day, students are not permitted to stay at aftercare or on school grounds

  • If a person is picking up your child that is not listed on the resource file, please call the front office (954-440-2900).

  • If aftercare is outside when you come to pick up your child, please accompany your child to the aftercare building to retrieve his or her backpack.

E-Center Schedule

Kids Playing Tug of War
3:00PM – 3:30PM


Aftercare DOES NOT provide students with snacks. Students must bring snacks brought from home or purchase from A-LA-CART. If your child has any allergies or special instructions, please inform The Embassy Academy of those details.

3:30PM – 4:30PM


Aftercare provides time and assistance for students to work on homework. Students that do not complete homework during the allotted time will need to finish their work at home. Special projects will need to be done at home. It is ultimately up to the student to complete homework for the next day. Aftercare students in need of tutoring or any other services must have prior arrangements as The Embassy Academy does not provide tutoring services after school hours.

4:30PM – 5:30PM


After homework time, students have the opportunity to engage in a variety of cooperative games and team-building activities.


5:30PM – 6:30PM

Aftercare provides many different activities for our The Embassy Academy’s students: toys, puzzles, games, drawing and coloring, puppets, etc. All students have a chance to play outside if the weather permits, once homework is done.

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